As a commitment to use its endeavour to promote the sustainable development of the environment during its manufacturing process, PC Partner has set goals, formulated plans and carried out statistical analysis and audits to reduce energy and water consumption, carbon emission and waste disposal.
Our environmental management system is established and implemented and the environmental impact of our operations is managed as required by the industry-leading ISO14001 Environmental Management System.
Our production bases underwent annual supervisory audit required by the ISO14001 Environmental Management System and the OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and ensured system compliance by assisting our suppliers to carry out the annual supervisory audit under the environmental management system and the occupational health and safety management system.
We have identified the environmental factors of our waste gas emissions, which are mainly from tin furnaces and soldering furnaces, kitchen exhaust systems and generators, and treated the sources of emissions according to local environmental laws and regulations. Such sources are regularly monitored to ensure the emissions comply with the regulations. Every year we engage third-party monitoring organisations to monitor the concentration of emissions from different sources according to local standards (e.g. Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297–1996), Emission Standard of Cooking Fume (GB18483–2001)) to ensure ongoing compliance. We also pay consistent attention to local laws and regulations and conduct safety assessments to ensure our gas emissions do not violate relevant regulations.
Both the production of products and offering of services require the use of energy, which leads to GHG emissions. In order to reduce such emissions, PC Partner identifies the utilisation and boosts the efficiency of energy and steps up the audit of management systems, and collects data on the scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions on a regular basis based on our current technological level. Our top priority is to reduce the energy consumption and GHG emission per thousand dollars of our turnover. “Energy consumption per thousand dollars of revenue” and “GHG emission per thousand dollars of revenue” are measures that correlate with the amount of economic activities and provide more useful references to our performance as compared with indicator comparisons. In 2016, we have collected data on energy consumption and GHG emission and evaluated our performance based on the above policies.
Our operations generate household wastewater and no industrial wastewater is discharged. Measures have been taken to cut water consumption and minimise the amount of wastewater. Discharge indicators for wastewater are monitored annually to ensure the quality of the wastewater discharged meet local laws and regulations, and household wastewater is discharged to municipal treatment plants. During the process of product cleaning, we use a small amount of chemicals, which lead to liquid waste. Discharge of liquid waste to sewers, aquatic systems and soils is prohibited. Instead, it is centrally collected and stored in closed containers and then delivered to qualified green service providers under local laws and regulations.
Use of Resources
The Company has established management policies for energy, water and other resources under its environmental management system (an ISO14001 system) to constantly optimise and reduce the use of resources. PC Partner uses electricity, natural gas and diesel in its daily production and operation. As to the use of energy, the Company strives to “reduce consumption, optimise efficiency and protect the environment”. Electricity is the major energy source utilised by the Company, which mainly purchases electricity from power companies. The electricity is then converted into the powers required by the Company’s operations. We increase our energy efficiency and reduce electricity consumption through management and technical upgrades. We investigate the use of electricity of each premise and activity by evaluating the environmental conditions so as to adopt appropriate optimisation measures and reduce the use of electricity.
The Company encourages its staff to save, and innovate new technique to use, electricity. As a relatively clean energy source, natural gas was also introduced in 2013 to replace diesel which has lower energy conversion rate. Natural gas is currently used in cooking in the canteens. In addition to replacing diesel with natural gas, the Company is also making effort to convert to other clean energies, such as using solar energy instead of diesel to provide hot water in staff quarters, in accordance with its energy policies. The Company currently does not use water in its production process, and only the staff use water for domestic purposes. As such, the Company’s water policy focuses on encouraging the staff to save water through setting water consumption targets for each premise. We also upgrade water using facilities to reduce the use of water.