Board of Directors
Executive Directors
Mr. WONG Shik Ho Tony (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. WONG Fong Pak (Executive Vice President)
Mr. LEUNG Wah Kan (Chief Operation Officer)
Mr. HO Nai Nap
Mr. MAN Wai Hung
Non-executive Director
Mrs. HO WONG Mary Mee-Tak
Independent Non-executive Directors
Ms. CHAN Yim
Mr. CHUA Ser Miang
Mr. Jason GOH Hseng Wei
Mr. KONG Chee Keong
Ms. Alicia KWAN Xiuying
Prof. LOW Teck Seng
Mr. TEO Chun-wei, Benedict
There are 4 Board committees. The membership information of each committee is set out below.
Audit Committee
Mr. Chua Ser Miang (Chairman)
Mr. Kong Chee Keong
Ms. Alicia Kwan Xiuying
Remuneration Committee
Ms. CHAN Yim (Chairman)
Mr. Jason Goh Hseng Wei
Mr. Teo Chun-Wei, Benedict
Nomination Committee
Prof. Low Teck Seng (Chairman)
Mr. Teo Chun-Wei, Benedict
Ms. CHAN Yim
Executive Committee
Mr. WONG Shik Ho Tony (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. WONG Fong Pak (Executive Vice President)
Mr. LEUNG Wah Kan (Chief Operation Officer)
Mr. HO Nai Nap
Mr. MAN Wai Hung